The network brings together experts in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and bioinformatics from different units of Fiocruz, LACEN, and CGLAB-MS, with a main focus on structuring, training, analysis, and interpretation of whole genome sequencing data from multidrug-resistant bacteria. This initiative will allow for a deeper understanding of the AMR scenario in Brazil to ensure agility for future actions in controlling the spread of these microorganisms.
Each laboratory participating in the network conducts sequencing independently, and the analysis of the generated data is standardized and automated through CABGen. The information generated by the network members is available visually and interactively in CABGen, allowing for communication of the results to the scientific community and healthcare professionals.
The initial focus of the network is the study of species of multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacilli (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii, and Klebsiella pneumoniae), producers of carbapenemases. These samples are included in the Collection of Hospital-Origin Bacterial Cultures (CCBH/IOC - WDCM 947) to preserve bacterial cultures. In addition, genomic data is protected on its server hosted at Fiocruz/RJ, in a certified safe room according to NBR 15247. The network is open for new partners. If interested, please contact.